Johnson College Architectural Drafting & Design Technology Program Receives Accolades

The Architectural Drafting & Design Technology program at Johnson College was recently awarded a Curriculum Certification from the American Design Drafting Association (ADDA) as well as a distinction for John DeAngelis, program department chair, as an ADDA Certified Educator.

The ADDA Curriculum Certification is a specialized copyrighted program certification process developed over 30 years ago by ADDA to assist educational facilities and vocational training institutions to align their educational process to meet or exceed industry standards. The Curriculum Certification process generally will use a compilation of information which is currently required through state and federal accreditation, teacher certification, facility certification and standard auditing processes the school currently is required to maintain. ADDA also requires information regarding samples of program coursework and study materials already in use.

The Certified Drafter recognition is part of a credentialing system based on an individual’s competency level after training or years of service. John DeAngelis received his recognition as a vocational instructor after completing an approved ADDA application process for the program and himself.

DeAngelis said this certification from ADDA will benefit the College as it has recently transitioned into a semester-based curriculum. “We are very happy to have received this certification, it sets our program apart from the competition.”